Concerts have been performing live ever since the birth of rock and roll. They’re seeing your entire audience; they’re feeling the intense passion which is put into every piece of music. None of those things are achievable through listening to only a mp3. Music enables to bond with others; concerts help make sure that everyone who listens to it becomes personally connected to you.
The majority of bands who get their start in a local nightclub or pub will often go on to perform at big venues, like arenas. Unfortunately, the venues which get musician playing have to be extremely large to accommodate the numerous performers who show up for the evening. If there’s not enough room inside, or if the venue cannot hold all the performers, the whole concert may have to be canceled. Musicians don’t like to play at small venues, or in places where the sound quality isn’t quite as great as it could be. It’s also very easy to get injured if the venue is not properly constructed or designed.
A lot of times bands prefer to be part of a bigger musical family. Attending concerts in the company of your closest friends or family is a pure and innocent experience. On the other hand, if you’re going to be performing for a larger audience, especially if the audiences are in attendance for the same reasons you want to, you might need to take a few precautions to ensure that the overall experience is a good one. Hopefully these tips will prove helpful to you and your musician friends or family when attending a live concert.
As mentioned above, smaller venues are more likely to provide a safe environment for a concert. This is because the size of a venue limits the amount of potential disturbances which can occur. However, it’s important to realize that some classical music concert halls do have very loud, distracting elements like projection speakers which can actually cause hearing damage to the audience. It’s best to test out your equipment before going on-stage in order to determine what the general noise level is.
Many classical music concert halls have been constructed recently with incredibly thin walls to help cut down on sound reflections. Unfortunately, this also means that concert halls that feature these types of designs often feature poor acoustics. In the past, acoustical design has always been a critical factor in creating a good concert experience, but these days most concert halls featuring recital and opera type music either have poor acoustics or no acoustics at all. It’s usually best to avoid these kinds of concert halls in favor of a recital hall with good acoustics.
Finally, many classical concerts are held outdoors in the summer. Unfortunately, while the weather may be nice, the grass is usually very hot and sweaty. This can lead to audience members passing out or getting very dirty, which is definitely not conducive to a professional performance. If you’re planning a concert in an area where it snows or if it’s very hot outside, find a suitable indoor venue. You’ll probably save yourself a lot of hassle and money by doing that instead of trying to hold your concerts in stuffy outdoor auditoriums. And remember that quality isn’t everything: while you should spend as much effort and money as you can afford to ensure a great experience for your audience, you shouldn’t skimp on quality in order to save money.