A concert is a musical performance in which multiple musicians or singers perform together for an audience. It is generally considered to be a higher artistic and cultural form of musical entertainment than a show, although there are many differences between the two concepts. The word concert also has several other meanings, and the definition can vary depending on context. For example, it can refer to a music event that is ticketed, and it is often used to describe an event in which multiple artists perform together for a paid audience.
However, it can also be used to refer to a musical event that is not ticketed. This can include events that are free of charge, such as open mics and bar gigs. Likewise, it can refer to a musical event that is held in a venue other than a theater or stadium, such as a house party. The term is also often used to refer to a particular genre of music, such as rock or classical.
The concert as a form and an experience
In recent years, a new perspective has been emerging on the role of the concert. For some, it has become a kind of ritual or religious event in which music is listened to in the presence of a gathered community. This new perspective suggests that the nature of a concert may not only be determined by its seating arrangements, ritualized behavior, acoustics, and lighting, but also by its duration and the way it is structured. For instance, a series of concerts by the same musician or group might be conceived of as a musical composition with its own social and aesthetic value, and each concert might be seen as a different interpretation of that composition.
The idea of the concert has evolved considerably since it was first used in the 18th century, but its core remains the same: to bring works that can be listened to for their own sake to an audience that is likely to appreciate them. It has been suggested that the concert helped to emancipate music from its court and church functions, by allowing it to celebrate itself and by turning its venues into new temples.
The etymology of the word concert is uncertain, but it is believed to be related to the Italian word concentar, meaning to “concert” or “harmonize.” It is also possible that it is from the French concert, which itself may derive from the Latin concertare, to agree in design or plan. Alternatively, it might be from the Arabic qaynar, to play a flute. Other etymologies are also proposed, including the Greek koncerta, to gather, and the English word commune.