Bon Jovi: 50 Years and Counting
Bon Jovi made his mark on the Music Industry in the early 1980s with his massive hits, including “Where It’s At,” “I Remember You,” and “ivated.” He was a teenager when he first came up with these songs, which are still widely popular to this day. Now, Jon Bon Jovi is once again turning to the microphone, this time to make music for the stage. Bon Jovi made his first beat at age 14, with the song “Raging Bull.” Since then, he’s sold more than 100 million records. These days, he tours the world as a solo artist, but he also returns to the limelight with special projects and duets with other artists.
For many people, Bon Jovi is one of their favorite singers and performers, simply because they know him as one of the best ever. A beloved figure among rock musicians, Bon Jovi is known for his distinctive voice, which has made him memorable over the decades. Jon Bon Jovi made his first hit at the age of 14 with the song “I Remember You.” His steady growth as an artist has led to multiple hits on the Hot R&B/hip hop charts, as well as top ten hits on the Country Airline Songwriters’ Hall of Fame.
To date, Jon Bon Jovi has released seven studio albums, as well as several singles and specials for various companies and agencies. His latest album, entitled “The Man That Got Away,” was recorded with a large guest list that included Pat Monahan, Huddy Glove, and David Bowie. His first album since leaving The All Star Band was entitled “Convoy,” which was later re-recorded by The Black Sabbath. Prior to that, he had a song written and recorded with The O’Jays. No matter what the titles, the quality of music is indisputable.
Many people believe that the real name of Jon Bon Jovi is actually Mark “Theodor.” This is based on the lyrics found on the cover of their first album, “Rock and Roll All Night.” The singer’s real name, according to some records, is Mark Paul Young. But the same can be said of most of his songs, including the classics, such as “Wanted Dead or Alive,” “Religulous,” Born Again.”
One can make an estimate of how much a man’s real name, Mark Paul Young, is worth with the help of various Net Worth Estimates, based on information found in the Net from the likes of Wikipedia, biographies, and career forums. On these websites, people are often asked for their birth dates, and given a base value, ranging from one to five million dollars. The value usually ascribes to albums sold, whether they were produced by an artist or by an independent record label. However, some Net Worth Estimates also take into consideration the performance of the artist, if it is good enough to earn a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Bon Jovi, whose Net Worth estimates hover around two to four million dollars, is not likely to get into the Hall of Fame any time soon.
So, there you have it. Although much has been written about Bon Jovi and his many achievements in both music and acting career, much less has been said about his impact on the New Jersey music scene, at least as regards his role as a lead vocalist for the A-roc. There is little doubt that even more stories will surface in the coming years about this legendary singer and his contributions to popular culture. So, for the time being, let’s just enjoy the bon jovi in New Jersey, and mark the 50th anniversary of his iconic rock and roll act, with another big anniversary, this time in New Jersey.