Music Teaching and Music Theory

Music is the creative art of arranging noises in particular time during the components of harmony, melodic tone, rhythmic rhythm, and melodic timbre. It is now one of the most universal musical aspects of all human cultures. More specifically, it refers to the set of vocal or physical patterns of sound created by the various members of a society through their voices and other human activities.


Music has been called the language of sounds. Because the melody is expressed in words and not in musical notes, melody is seen as an integral part of musical creation. It shares some of the same characteristics with language that means it is expressed in terms of pitch, tempo, pitch contrast, register, timing, tonal definition, tonal production, melodic ostinatos, polyphonic forms, and other related concepts.

Music involves different types of units that can be presented on the notes of a musical scale, or in tablature, depending on how the sheet music is read. The basic units of music are note (a letter), pitch (a number on a piano or keyboard), rhythm (tone), and melodic line (a series of rhythm tones). The notes are played on a piano or keyboard in seven-tone versions, six-tone versions, or two-voice versions. Pitch and rhythm are synchronized so that when a rhythm is played, the pitch of that rhythm is matched to the pitch of the notes being played.

A melody is a pure voice or a singing voice accompanied by an accompaniment such as instruments, vocals, or background noise. The melody most often comes from a single line or phrase. It is expressed by repeated bass lines, drum beats, or percussions. The melody is most commonly expressed in harmonic form. This means it has a basic melody and is made up of various rhythmic elements.

The harmony is the basic relationship between pitch and rhythm. It can be described as a point within a song where the notes and rhythm take place together in a smooth and consistent manner. For instance, a major chord has a higher pitch than a minor chord. A harmony is most commonly found in choral forms where a choir or church organist sings the melody in a similar tone (at least equal to the pitch of the central melody) and plays the rhythm in a similar way to the melody.

Tempo and dynamics refer to the speed at which specific parts of a piece are sung or played. They are also used to compare how quickly or softly a piece should be played. In music teaching, both tempo and dynamics are often used in conjunction with each other. For example, if the tempo of a section is fast enough to match the pace of the next section, the dynamic of that section will also need to be fast enough to match that of the next section.