A concert is a performance of musicians or singers playing or singing together for an audience. Concerts often take place in a hall or other musical venue, though they can also be held outdoors, in a stadium or other large building such as a school or nightclub or even inside the performers’ homes.
The word concert comes from the Italian concerto, meaning “together.” Musicians who play or sing at concerts do just that: they come together to perform a musical piece, such as a symphony, opera, or other classical work. However, more popular pieces of music, such as folk songs or rock and roll, may be performed at concerts as well.
For many musicians, especially those in a band or other group, concerts are a way of sharing their musical vision with an audience. They view it as a kind of symphony, where the audience joins with them to create an experience that is uplifting and inspiring.
A musician who has a following will frequently hold concert tours, visiting multiple cities and venues to present his or her music. Some concerts are free, while others will charge an entrance fee. In the latter case, a portion of the proceeds will usually go towards a charity or other good cause.
Ticket sales provide the primary source of income for most musicians. They are also sometimes augmented by merchandise sales and other in-concert entertainment activities such as autograph signings, meet-and-greets with the audience, and the use of other types of supplemental entertainment devices such as theatrical smoke or fog and pyrotechnics.
Many concerts are highly choreographed to provide a dazzling display of stage talent and technical ability. The performers will often wear costumes or other elaborate clothing, and the venues where they perform may be decorated with a theme that is consistent with the genre of music being played or the music’s overall style. For example, a rock or punk concert may be set in a setting that mimics an old stone castle, while a classical recital will be conducted in a hall or other traditional musical setting.
Although the concert format is not used for all types of musical performances, it is particularly suited to opera and other staged musical works. In these kinds of concerts, the performers will generally be raised above the audience on a platform or other type of stage and the music will be played through loudspeakers. The term concert can also be applied to performances of classical music that are not formally staged, though such un-staged performances are more often called recitals or simply gigs.
For many musicians, performing in a concert is an integral part of their raison d’etre and an important way for them to share their music with the public. The concert format can be a challenge to musicians, who must balance the need for precision with the desire to give an exciting and entertaining show. However, it is a satisfying way to make a living from their music.